Our event programme is very popular and fills very quickly. To ensure you are kept up to date with our schedule of events keep an eye on our Facebook page.
Since the majority of events are filled by training members they do not get advertised externally, however any spaces will appear on our Facebook page .
Workshop and guest trainer spots currently all full.
A great way to improve your skills and challenge yourself, learning from some of the UK’s best trainers.
Spaces will appear on our Facebook page .
These are held through the winter to allow you to proof skills and reward your dog in the ring. Our fun shows are the ideal preparation for the forthcoming competitive season. Although entries are limited due to time and space our fun shows are open to all. The schedule includes full agility and jumping courses that are appropriate for grades 1-4 and 5-7.
Our programme of workshops focuses on specific skills such as weaves, contacts, slaloms, backsides of jumps etc. Training spaces will appear on our Facebook page .